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The Men of Maple Corner Interesting Things that have been sent to us: (in notes, cards, lettters, and
comments on the order forms) |
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This picture was included in an envelope with an order
form. Click on the picture to make it bigger.
Quote: |
"My husband is a retired Recreational Director
and we think Community Centers are very important" - Derry,
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"Gotta love it! I'm getting 2 as gifts for single
friends - at least the men have a sense of humor!!" - Gardner
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"The funniest thing I've seen in a while"
- Barre, VT
Quote: | "This is the perfect xmas gift for my single sister..." - Brooklyn, CT | |
Quote: | "*Not only did the MEN 'Do a SPREAD' - Then someone 'SPREAD the NEWS" - Lisbon, NY | |
Quote: | "My parents and an Aunt live in Lemington, VT - and I know for sure they will enjoy this for the coming year" - Manchester, NH | |
Quote: | " !Woof!" - San Francisco, California | |
Quote: | "Can't stop laughing!!" - Burlington, VT | |
Quote: | "I hope the pic with the canoe is part of the SPREAD " - Burlington, VT | |
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An eight page letter we received, full of good ideas, from Lisbon, NY | |
Quote: | "Two of my sisters saw the "Full Monty" in NYC last spring and they laughed for weeks. This will be a fantastic gift for each." - South Burlington, VT | |
Another letter: | A wonderful letter from - Arlington, VT | |
E-mail: | "Do you think this is just the start...you guys might wind up having all the ladies after you...heaven forbid !!!!! Great to see that other people think it is such a good idea, as we do down here..." - Aukland, New Zealand | |
Quote: | "I thought you'd like to know that news of your indecent exposure had reached all the way to Alaska. Good luck with your fund-raising. It's a commendable, if embarrassing, thing you do." - Auke Bay, Alaska | |
Quote: | "My mother, who will turn 85 next month, was tickled by the idea, I thought I'd get her a calendar for her birthday - or Christmas." - Easthampton, Mass. | |
Quote: | "My 91 year old mother-in law would just 'love it'." - Hampton, NH | |
Quote: | "What a great sense of humor in Vermont" - Lee, Mass. | |
Quote: | "It all looks like great fun" - Stockbridge, Mass. | |
E-mail: | "A calendar will hang in Santa Barbara, CA next year, you guys are awesome! I love this kind of "thinking outside the box"! Good luck! " - Santa Barbara, CA | |
E-mail: | "This could be bigger -- and better -- than those stuck-up Chippendales!" | |
Quote: | "What a clever idea! I hope you make enough to get all the improvements on your Community Center. Please send me 2...and I will send more for signed copies" - Smithfield, MA | |
Quote: | "Enclosed is a check for 7 calendars. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! for solving my Christmas list tough ones" - Northfield, VT | |
Quote: | "I am enclosing a check for $20 for the calendar in order that you might be able to expedite my order and send it Priority Mail" - Swanee, GA | |
E-mail: | "I "advance ordered" a calendar as I was afraid with all the publicity you were getting, I might miss out. My friends who are always teasing that I'm a 'redneck' are gonna love seeing this calendar hanging - I just keep proving them right." | |
E-mail: | "Saw you all (or most of you) on CNN and can't wait to get the calendar." | |
Quote: | "Please send me 4 calendars. These will go to Native Vermonters in various parts of the country to remind them of their 'Roots'." - Essex Junction, VT | |
Quote: | "Son, I need one of those. signed, your Mother" - Calais, VT | |
Quote: | "It took the 'Men of Maple Corner' to make America laugh again" - Shelburne, VT | |
Quote: | "How splendid to have exposure in USA Today!" - Sioux City, SD but originally from VT | |
Quote: | "I was only going to order one, but when I read in the website about what the money was being raised for, I decided to order an extra one. - Kansas City, MO | |
Quote: | "It's the perfect Christmas gift for those 'Special People' on my list!" - Goshen, MA | |
Quote: | "I am buying this for my 90 year-year-old Aunt! She will love looking at these hansome young men! Any chance for an autograph?" - North Oaks, MN | |
Quote: | "You are all great. Thanks for a little fun we all need! Brilliant! You epitomize the spirit of the Green Mountain State" - South Hero, VT | |
Quote: | "Go Guys, good job. Saw your piece on CNN today. Any nice singles there? 50+ for 2 nice teachers here? - Norwich, NY | |
E-mail: | "Dear Vermonty, My comment: I can sum up the ingenious folks who thought of this as a fund raiser, the people who made it happen and most especially the participants in only one word... Awesome! Know that you have brought a smile to my face for the rest of the day!" - Rochester, NY | |
Quote: | "If you issue next year, please advise me." - Ogdensburg, NY | |
Quote: | "Great idea! You Go, Guys!!" - Beachwood, OH | |
Quote: | "Please say HELLO to all those cute STUD MUFFINS" - Leland, NC | |
E-mail: | "Fantastic fundraising idea. What a bunch of Cutie Boys!!!!!!! " - Nova Scotia, Canada | |
Quote: | "My wife will HOWL over this!!" - Hamden, CT | |
E-mail: | "Here are some suggestions for your calendar name - In Full View, Baring It all for the Community, Grin and Bare It, The Naked Truth." - Barre, VT | |
Quote: | "You guys--I can't believe how good your theme song is--I of little faith--I think it will be a hit! Onward!" - Calais, VT | |
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"Attached is a picture of the $500 check coming to you all. I hope it helps with the refurbishing of the center. I am "spreading the news" about your needs." - Las Vegas, NV | |
Quote: | "We wish you success with your 'tacky but tasteful' project. I'm a happy owner of the 'Ladies of Rylstone' Calendar. - Northfield, VT | |
E-mail: | "I will be running this news article in tomorrow's edition of our newspaper. Great idea, good sports, and my first comment would be "don't quit your day jobs." Some day I hope to include your state in my travels. Definitely looks like a place to 'have a really good time'." - Batesville Daily Guard, Batesville, Arkansas | |
E-mail: | "I have been spreading the "nudes" or I mean news-Anyway- I ordered three calendars and am looking foward to it" - Sheffield, MA | |
E-mail: | "I have always wanted to visit Vermont. I may not get there for a while but I do plan on enjoying the 'sites' by purchasing your calendar." - Bay City, Michigan | |
E-mail: | "Wow, that is amazing. You guys certainly deserve it. How much for a new septic? And when do I get my calander?" - New York City | |
A short note: | From a long time Calais resident - North Calais, VT and NYC | |
Quote: | "I support your fund-raiser for several reasons: (1) the world needs more bathrooms and septic tanks, (2) I appreciate buns more than cookies, (3) we sure need something lighthearted and thoroughly American right now, and what could be more American than the 'Men of Maple Corner'"? - Arlington, TX | |
Quote: | "I thought it might make the perfect gift for my sister-in-law, if I don't decide to keep it for myself!" - Glen Rose, TX | |
Quote: | "Must have one to go with my 'Ladies of Rylstone' calendar. Send me 3." - Sherman Oaks, CA | |
Quote: | "We admire your ingenuity and in the same fun-loving spirit, we'd like to buy 2 of your calendars. And thanks." - Hurst, TX | |
E-mail: | LOVE IT!!!!!I'm a member of "The Red Hat Society" and we women got such a kick out of your humor!!!!!-web site is Redhatsociety.org-----------and we're a group[ of "middle-aged women who have "Been there-and done that" and we're just going to do what we feel like doing from here on in!!!!-Just a lot of fun! | |
Quote: | "Dear Men, The fact that you 'dare to bare' for such a worthy cause should be an inspiration to other communities, where the $$ for preservation are scarce. Can't wait to see all of you!!" - Canton, OH | |
E-mail: | "The appearance on the Today show both days was so funny and uplifting to see someone having a good time for a change, Thanks for the laugh ..." | |
E-mail: | "What a great bunch of men! My husband thought I was nuts when I started telling him about The Full Ver-monty and this calendar". - Tahlequah, OK | |
E-mail: | "Oh my goodness! It just registered! I have actually corresponded with a centerfold. I can't wait to tell my friends." | |
E-mail: | "I am 59 and I think this is hilarous and what the country needs right now a good laugh. Your all wonderful and tastefully done I don't see anything wrong with this. I know its going for a good cause. Wish you all the best keep up the good works! Amelia Island, FL | |
E-mail: | "All of you are just wonderful - somehow, it feels like the ole America again. If you need a respite from the cold we have a great old beach-house in South Ponte Vedra, Florida and you are welcome to come and be our guest!!! Thank you for your great spirit!! You have made life fun again!! | |
Quote: | "I wish everyone in our RV Park would buy one" - Zephyrhills, FL | |
Quote: | "Proud to be a Vermonter" - Wilmington, NC | |
Quote: | " Please send 4 calendars to the 'Bob Cleary Fan Club' in" - Middletown, RI | |
Another letter: | God Bless this woman for her letter. She sure makes us sound good. | |
Quote: | "...the perfect gift for my sister-in-law. The boys looked a bit young to me, but I think she will enjoy it, as will her children and grandchildren. The great grandchildren are probably too young to appreciate it. You may not quote me by name!" - Maryland Hts., MO | |
Another note: | "Today I mailed you a check for the male calendar. I did not know the women had made one also. I do not want the womens calendar - Please do not send it. I wrote the check for $16 but did not mention the men - Send the Male Calendar." - Whittermore, IO | |
Quote: | "I enjoyed seeing you young 'gentlemen' on the Today Show program. What a wonderful gift this is going to make for my 90 year old mother-in-law who is in a retirement center. Hope you raise lots of money for your community." - Charleston, SC | |
Another note: | Dear Guys, Great job - Great photography - Saw on Today Show. We had a blast watching, thanks, and I hope Milwaukee orders enough to build you a community center, like...a Stadium!!! Excellent!! P.S. Hope everybody's married!! - Milwaukee, WI | |
Another note: | 11/16/2001 Dear Men of Maple Corner, I'm ordering your terrific calendar for my 83 year old mother-in-law. She is very open-minded, and will geat a real kick out of hanging it on her kitchen, or perhaps her bedroom wall. She will definitely take it and show it to her girlfriends at her Senior Center. She will say "look what my children gave me, ha ha". Thanks for giving us something to have fun with during these trying times. - Des Moines, IO | |
Quote: | "Thank you again for this delightful project. I am so tired of seeing our Las Vegas showgirl billboards!!! This is a pleasant change of pace." - Las Vegas, NV | |
E-mail: | "Your calendar and publicity have given the nation an uplift that was so needed after the tragic World Trade Center attack and the events that followed. THE TODAY SHOWS were both a hoot, and the theme song couldn't be any funnier (it's also a very catchy tune and the voicing is great).. I hope next year THE MEN OF MAPLE CORNER record Christmas Carols. Please keep us up to date on the number of calanders sold." | |
E-mail: | "Hi there: You guys are great. What community spirit wrapped up in a calendar! Woof, woof, WOOF!! Run with it guys. Your community needs you." - Yellowknife. NT CANADA | |
Hello you cutie Stud Muffins!!! - Des Moines, Wa | ||
Our first order from Korea - Sung Nam, Kyonggi-Do, Korea |
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A letter and a gift from our friends and fans at ZIP FM Radio Nagoya in - Nagoya, Japan |
E-mail: | "Hi guys, I'm a friend of the cover-girl on the women of Tamworth calendar, and I finally had a chance to check out your website. This is wonderful,brillient and fantastic!!! I will be ordering a calendar. Thanks for a great sense of humor and for the courage to do this...your naked butts are truly world-wide now!!!" - Chatham,NH | |
Quote: | "After seeing the guys on the 'Today Show', I promptly ordered the calendar for my 78 year old Mom's Christmas stocking. When it arrived and I looked through it, I knew I needed one for myself!" - | |
E-mail: | "The calendar is absolutely more fantastic than the hype about it. All of you look so delectable... To all, I extend my congratulations for an endeavor that is well conceived, well received, and successfully actualized." - Ridgway, CO | |
E-mail: | A Tribute to the Men of Maple Corner - by Lew D'Array - Waterbury, VT | |
E-mail: | HI, I Love the calendar, ordered it for my sis for Christmas and was so glad i got it! I thought at one time there were some personal stories on the net about your "experiences" during your shoots, maybe i just remember some from the "today" show, but you should include them someplace, it would be cute and sell,sell, sell even more calendars. may your holidays be blessed and your community center better than ever. Merry christmas, this was just what the world needed now! rachel, in New York | |
E-mail: | "Because we sold so many"... what a wonderful thing to have to write people isn't it? Congratulations. I'll keep my eyes open for my copy. - Tahlequah, OK | |
E-mail: | "Thank you very much! I received the calendar and it's great! I'm sure it will be the hit at the Wednesday Night Girls' Christmas Party Friday night. I appreciate the special attention in getting my order to me on time. Have a very Merry Christmas!" - Louisville, Kentucky | |
E-mail: | "I have owned a camp on Curtis Pond for 20 years and I always knew there was something so special about Maple Corner - but now I know HOW special! What a great sense of humor and sense of community. And I will never let Tim Wheelock live this down! I ordered 4 calendars for my kids and I received my own copy from a friend in East Montpelier. The calendar is even better in person than on the web.The BEST to all of you." Calais, VT | |
E-mail: | Thank you Steve, I spoke with you on the phone after I had mailed you a letter. You sent my 6 calendars and I received them yesterday (12/10) - THANK YOU! I’m giving them to my girlfriends tonight – I’m sure we’ll have some good laughs! | |
E-mail: | Thank-you for getting back to me,... I recieved my calendars the next day. Just loved them!!! I am a devious person, though, looking at the calendar I wondered if there were any reflections in the water, on the cover. Is it possible, that there is a reflection? Look at the reflection of the man second in on the left. At any rate thanks, I will have fun giving them away at Christmas | |
E-mail: | steve, i received the calendars yesterday and they are a scream!!!!!! my girlfriends will love them :) happy holiday | |
E-mail: | I just received my Maple Corner calendar and have not stopped laughing. We have decided to give it away as a Christmas present, so I just ordered another one, please ship as soon as possible, we are all in need of a good laugh and that did the trick!! | |
E-mail: | Thanks for the reply. As always seems to happen for me, as soon as I sent the inquiry, they came in the mail. They're wonderful - thanks!! | |
E-mail: | Hello Jamie, Thanks for your quick response, In fact your response was so effective, two hours later my calendar arrived! It's really fun, and, may I say, worth waiting for. I thought you should know that yet another person has received the calendar so that you can add me to the delivery statistics to calm the fears or frustration of others -- the US postal system does deliver! Cheers, Rosemary | |
Quote: | "To the Men of Maple Corner, I I just received my calendar - Tank You! I laughed so hard I cried, and then cried some more, because I had just left Vermont for Virginia this fall. Men - you have those English Ladies beat all to heck! Hope you do one next year - A longtime Vermonter | |
Quote: | Dear "Men", Hi you devils, what a neat thing to do. How many beers did it take? Sent one to my friend who has seen male stippers, can't wait for her phone call. You made this Old Ladies day, on oxygen, 24 hrs. a day since 1995. Saw you on TV. Like the sound of your town. Are the gals doing a calendar? That's what I heard. I like May, my hubby was a carpenter. God Bless... | |
Quote: | Hi Maple Corner, I think you have a good project. I lost my first calendar and have to order another one. I lost it because I left it out and a friend said she needed it. Have fun and have a Merry Christmas, Harvey | |
E-mail: | I received the calendars, and they sure livened up the holidays! One was a gift for a friend in her 80"s, and she read it through, laughing all the way and every time she thought about it afterward for days--pretty good gift, I'd say. - Somewhere in Vermont | |
E-mail: | Hi, Everyone. My daughter gave me the calendar for Christmas and I absolutely love it! These guys are just my speed and they're all so cute! Your calendar will have a special place on my bedroom wall. Thanks and Happy New Year to everyone at Maple Corner.- Natick, MA | |
E-mail: | This isn't a suggestion - it's an appreciation! My 60-something sister gave me your calendar for my 70th birthday. Love it and the song on your web site is another hoot. Thanks ever so much. Hope the septic system and community center are now in A-1 shape. |