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Old Photos of People in Calais, Vermont
(Burt) Aunt Jennie's Aunt, Sister of Carleton McCullogh
Cornelia McCullogh
? McCullogh
Picking Berries
(?), Eva Davis Morse, Harriet Morse
Dec., 1952
Harriet Morse & Greg Gallagher
at Ira Morse Farm, Count Rd.
Harriet Morse & Greg Gallagher
at Ira Morse Farm, in front of greenhouses
?, ?, Harriet Morse, Greg Gallagher, ?
Cutting wood on Ira Morse Farm
Harriet Morse
in front of Ira Morse's Greenhouse and flower gardens
Harriet Morse
behind John Morse Farm
Harriet Morse
in front of old schoolhouse
horse & sleigh
with a Jersey calf
Harriet Morse & David Morse
born 1792 in Kents' Corner. Her older sister Lucinda was the first child born in Calais (1790)
Ruth Wheelock Mower
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