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1 Sept.9, 2000 3:30 PM
2 Leaving shore, Adamant Church in background
3 Looking towards the quarries
4 Kayaking around
5 Note the piles of waste granite
6 Kayaks
7 Under the power line
8 Resting
9 Power crosses the pond
10 Pond lily blossom
11 Taking our time to get there
12 Practicing turns
13 Cam resting
14 Jon & Ann catching up
15 Where's the birds
16 Beaver swimming trails
17 Beaver swimming trails
18 Beaver swimming trails
19 No hurry
20 Beaver swimming trails
21 Pond lilypads large and small
22 Pond lilypads large and small
23 Pond lilypads large and small
24 Pond lilypads large and small
25 Granite block
26 These were quarried long ago
27 Looking for a place to land
28 Ferns and granite
29 Jon on top of a pile
30 Ferns and maples
31 Ferns and maples
32 Ferns and maples
33 Antique air compressor, abandoned
34 Antique air compressor, seen better days
35 Antique air compressor
36 Isaac in front of an old smokestack
37 Top of a toppled smokestack
38 Ann stays on the water
39 Sarah finds a stack of granite blocks
40 Old quarry hole filled with water
41 Old quarry hole filled with water
42 Smokestack rots into the ground
43 Another quarry hole
44 Air compressor label
45 Air compressor flywheel
46 Bed of ferns
47 Bed of ferns
48 Bed of ferns with red dragonfly
49 Bed of ferns with red dragonfly
50 Bed of ferns with red dragonfly
51 Ferns and granite
52 Ferns and granite
53 Beaver chewed tree
54 Mossy granite
55 Mossy granite
56 Mossy granite
57 Looking from top of the biggest granite pile
58 The beaver lodge
59 The beaver lodge
60 The beaver lodge
61 Enjoying the sunny afternoon
62 More beaver trails
63 More granite piles
64 More granite piles
65 More granite piles
66 More granite piles
67 More granite piles
68 Moss and ferns
69 Moss and ferns
70 Jon swims
71 Jon swims
72 Ferns on rock
73 Moss on rock
74 Small lily pads
75 Heading back
Image 17 of 75